A Repro Plan Set or PDF File (digital version) includes construction details such as:
Exterior Elevations: All four sides (Front, Rear, Right and Left elevation drawings) of the proposed residence detailing exterior finish materials, window ID numbers and elevation dimensions.
Detailed Floor Plans: All floor levels of the house showing room/area layouts completely detailed with dimensions, notations, reference markers, cross section markers and labeled items which are cross referenced to their corresponding tables (including window/door schedule, area schedule and beam schedule). All placement location for doors, windows, cabinets, kitchen and bath plumbing fixtures, kitchen and laundry appliances, fireplace(s) and notation for any special details such as tray ceilings or other similar items are indicated.
Foundation Plans: Detailed concrete foundation layout (basement, crawl space or slab) supporting the house showing foundation walls, footings, pads, posts, beams, bearing walls, doors/windows (if applicable), cross section markers, dimensions and notations. Cross referenced footing, beam and window/door schedules are included. For plans with homes on a slab, monolithic footing details are shown.
Floor Joist Framing Plans: Detailed plans showing layout, direction, spacing, specifications, framed openings and span of floor supporting joists, fully dimensioned, showing beams, bearing posts and bearing walls. Joists are numbered for cross-referencing to the floor joist schedule. Footing and beam schedules are referenced. Each plan is shown as it overlays the floor below.
Ceiling Joist Plan: Detailed plans showing the layout, direction, spacing, span, framed openings and specifications for the ceiling support joists. All ceiling joists are numbered for cross reference to the corresponding ceiling joist schedule and include dimensions, bearing walls, bearing posts and beams corresponding to the beam schedule. Each plan is shown as it overlays the floor below. Some plans that have as their roof support system the use of roof trusses will not include a ceiling joist plan since the bottom chord of the trusses is engineered to support the ceiling.
Roof Framing Plan (Rafters): Detailed plan showing layout, direction, spacing, span, framed openings and specifications for rafters supporting the roof, fully dimensioned, showing beams, bearing walls, posts. Rafters are numbered for cross reference to the roof rafter schedule. Each plan is shown as it overlays the floor below. Roofing area schedules are also included. Plans that specify the use of only roof trusses will not include a roof rafter plan.
Roof Framing Plans (Trusses): Framing plans showing the layout, direction and framed openings, fully dimensioned, with beams, bearing walls, bearing posts and beam, area schedules. Each plan is shown as it overlays the floor below. All relevant information is provided in order to enable the truss manufacturer to engineer the trusses for the house.
Cabinet Plans: Detailed plan views and elevation views of the proposed cabinets specified in the house plan. Layout, dimension, cabinet numbers and cabinet types are included.
Electrical Plans: Detailed electrical schematic showing electrical item location for each floor level, room and area within the house as well as the exterior portion of the dwelling. All electrical lights with their corresponding switches are shown. An electrical legend for the symbols, names and count is provided.
Cross Section Details and Specifications: Section cutaways showing the corresponding details for the foundation, floors, walls, stairways, roof and porches of the dwelling. These section details show how important structural components relate to one another with notes and specifications. Also included are room area schedule with flooring suggestions, window/door schedule and general construction notes.
For convenience and accuracy we also include:
Dedicated Framing Plans: Detailed wall framing plans for each floor level showing stud walls complete with dimensions, window/door numbers, beams and bearing walls referenced to their corresponding schedules. Individual studs are shown in plan form within every wall and all walls are given an ID number for reference to their corresponding panel elevation views. These plans are unencumbered by non-essential notations and, therefore, provide more clarity and ease of use to framers in the field during construction.
Wall Panel Plans: Elevated wall panel views of each wall corresponding to the wall panel ID numbers on the stud wall framing plans. All walls show elevation views of the stud framing complete with door/window openings, headers and beam pockets.